Saturday, January 22, 2011

Spring Season Info!

Interested in joining the NC Harp Ensemble?
Join us for an open rehearsal on February 19, 2011! Potential ensemble members can come listen to the ensemble rehearsal and perform a solo for the group. We wanted to start digging into the music right away, so we thought this would be a great way to utilize our rehearsal time and introduce potential members to the ensemble. If you already know in advance that you would like to participate in the ensemble, you can also participate in this rehearsal. We will mail the selected music in advance and let you know the pieces that we will rehearse, so you will be able to focus your practice time. Please contact Grace Ludtke at 336.285.5861 or for application information.

Spring 2011 Calendar:
Monthly ensemble rehearsals are held on Saturday mornings from 10:30am-12:30pm in Greensboro, NC. All ensemble members are expected to arrive early to set-up (after 9:45am) and tune their harps prior to rehearsal beginning promptly at 10:30am. Each ensemble member is responsible for bringing their own harp, bench/stool, music stand, ensemble music, and pencil to each rehearsal. If you are unable to make a rehearsal or performance, please notify Grace Ludtke at 336.285.5861 or as soon as possible. Full participation is strongly encouraged to fully benefit from ensemble participation.

Rehearsal Schedule:
10:30pm-11:20pm - Ensemble Rehearsal
11:20am-11:30am - Break
11:30am-11:45am - Group Performance Class
(Students can perform solos they are working on for each other)
11:45am-12:30pm - Ensemble Rehearsal

Rehearsal Dates:
Saturday, February 19 - Rehearsal
Saturday, March 12 - Rehearsal
Saturday, April 2 - Rehearsal
Saturday, May 7 - Rehearsal

Performance Date:
Saturday, June 11 - 7:00pm Ensemble Performance
Rehearsal will be held at 5:30pm prior to performance

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